Homemade Pineapple Liqueur
(Brenda’s Fast-Tracked Version)

In a large glass jar, mix:

4 cups chopped ripe fresh pineapple
6 cups cheap vodka
1 cup white sugar

Shake really well (for best results, put the lid on first). Set the jar on a counter so you can admire your creation. Once each day, give the jar a few shakes to mix the ingredients, and to enjoy the snow globe-like effect.

Seven days later: 

Okay, if you’re one of those people who insists on following recipes properly, strain out the pineapple (squeeze it well to get out every drop of vodka). Discard the pineapple, then store the liqueur in a cupboard for two months so it can age and mellow.

OR if you’d prefer the Fast-Tracked Brenda Version:

Become impatient by the end of that first week. Taste test the liqueur. Trust me, it will be delicious. Pour yourself a very large glass, with lots of boozy pineapple chunks included—after all, fruit is healthy. Drink the large glass of liqueur. Tip: If pineapple chunks get stuck to the bottom of the glass, fish them out with your fingers when no one is looking. Notice how much funnier sitcoms are after drinking pineapple liqueur and eating vodka-soaked fruit. Enjoy a full glass of boozy pineapple each night until the liqueur is all gone. Then feel virtuous, because you’ve just eaten 4 cups (that’s 8 servings!) of fresh fruit.

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6 thoughts on “Homemade Pineapple Liqueur
(Brenda’s Fast-Tracked Version)

  1. Colleen

    Dear Brenda,
    As always, thanks so much for making me laugh. I really needed those chuckles today. The recipe sounds delicious, I’m definitely going to try it.

    1. Brenda Post author

      Thank you, Colleen – I’m glad I was able to give you a giggle. If you try the recipe, let me know what you think. All I have left in my big jar of liqueur is the booze-soaked pineapple chunks in the bottom. I’ll be having that tonight for dessert 🙂

  2. Miriam Ruff

    Well, considering that I don’t find any sitcoms funny (perhaps with the exception of Patrick Stewart’s upcoming “Blunt Talk”), I think I may need to make the Brenda version of this recipe. I’ll let you know how it went, after I’m able to pick myself up off the floor.

    1. Brenda Post author

      LOL! I look forward to hearing what you think of it, Miriam 🙂 I’ve never heard of Blunt Talk – I’ll have to check that show out.

  3. Rosa Lee Jude

    Hi Brenda,
    Great recipe, especially the abbreviated version. Life is short. I can also imagine that the pineapple chunks, after their brief visit with Mr. Vodka, would make a luscious version of Pineapple Upside Down Cake. You might not even have to turn it upside down. It might do it on its own.
    Rosa Lee

    1. Brenda Post author

      Rosa Lee – I LOVE your idea of pineapple upside down cake! Sadly, these boozy pineapple chunks aren’t going to last long enough to get onto a cake – they’re REALLY good 🙂


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